Helps to Increase Milk Production & Fat Percentage in Milk, Helps to Reduce Egg Shell Breakage in Poultry, Helps to prevent Leg Weakness, Helps in the overall growth.Chelated Aayu Cal is a 100% natural
Helps to Increase Milk Production & Fat Percentage in Milk, Helps to Reduce Egg Shell Breakage in Poultry, Helps to prevent Leg Weakness, Helps in the overall growth.Chelated Aayu Cal is a 100% natural high absorption formula to keep bones strong and healthy
Aviplex-EC 500 ml is a comprehensive poultry supplement designed to enhance overall health and performance. It contains a synergistic blend of essential vitamins
Bellota tuna in gravy cat food is a complete food for your cat. It supplies all the essential nutrients required for the cat to live a healthy life.
Bellotta gravy cat food is a complete food for your cat. It supplies all the essential nutrients required for the cat to live a healthy life. Taurine assists in keeping the heart healthy. Vitamin a helps to strengthen the eye sight of the cat.
Bellotta jelly for kittens & cats is delicious for cats along with other nutrition. It’s a complete meal and doesn’t require any is a 100% complete and balanced diet for cats. It’s made with real ingredients and contains minerals and vitamins.
Thinai bird food is a good choice for birds that are breeding or molting, as it provides them with the nutrients they need to stay healthy and produce healthy offspring.
The broiler finisher mash is fed to the chickens from the age of 30 days to the age of 38 days.
Pre-starter(krishi) . These specialized feeds are designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of modern genetics at the critical early stages of life, ensuring robust growth and enhanced health. In this blog, we will explore how such super pre-starter feeds work.
The broiler starter is aimed at achieving a higher growth rate, higher feed utilization rate, and low disease incidences at the early stage of the life of broiler chicks.
KNC Bypass+ is a premium cattle feed for cows yielding 10-15 litres milk in a day. KNC Bypass offers higher nutritive values through premium protein such as “Bypass protein”.Dairy cows demand a balanced diet for milk production, body maintenance and good health. The cattle feed being the most important input, has to be provided it optimal levels of quality commensurate with the production of the animal.
Treat your cat with Catfest Pillows! Crispy cat treats filled with creamy shrimp, high in protein, and 100% natural. Perfect for cats of all ages and breeds.
Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin d help strengthen teeth and bones, Me-O Ocean Fish Kitten Dry Cat Food is a balanced and nutritious diet formulated to support your kitten’s growth and health.
Chicken sausage is a cylindrical roll that consists of minced chicken, mixed with fat or skin along with salt, spices and other flavourings.