
299 270
Product description :- A FMD gives immunity against all strains of FMD virus Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease of many...
In stock

432 389

Azole Suspension is used for the treatment of infections caused by helminths (worms) like pin worms/thread worms, roundworms, hookworms, whip worms, liver flukes and tapeworm infections.

In stock

213 192

Azole Suspension is used for the treatment of infections caused by helminths (worms) like pin worms/thread worms, roundworms, hookworms, whip worms, liver flukes and tapeworm infections.

In stock

225 203

Helps in liver regeneration in poultry,

Improves FCR & weight gain in poultry,

Improves Overall liver function,

protects the liver from the effect of toxin in poultry,

In stock

350 315

  • AAYUSHINE is a health tonic promising the goodness of Omega-3 fatty acids along with Omega-6 fatty acids, Vitamins A, E and D. For the sharp memory,  shining coat and strong bone.
  • Enriched with Omega and Biotin for Dogs and Cats Skin Healthy and Shiny, Glossy Coats
In stock

90 81

Aayubuff breaks down slowly conditioning the rumen and neutralizing significantly more acid, over a longer period. It breaks down slowly in the rumen to stabilize pH and, as a result, improves the performance and profitability of your herd. Indications & Benefits: Correct rumen acidosis.

On backorder

210 189

Intake FormSyrup

Ionic calcium gel(300gm) given to the bovine to get the bovine out of milk fever.
AAYU-Cal-Gel is a specially formulated mineral

In stock

295 266


In stock

185 167
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Non Toxic, Eco friendly, Smell Free Agricultural and Domestic use to control and eliminate the following pests: Spider Mites,...
In stock

225 203

  • Increases Egg Production.
  • A product designed to balance the feed to maintain a good egg production, egg shell and prolapse free Bird
In stock

250 225

Home Purpose Use: Aayu Fresh Dog Shampoo is designed for convenient use at home, providing an easy solution for pet owners to maintain their dog's.

In stock

480 432

  • 100% natural & effective herbal product.
  • No harmful preservatives added hence no side effectsv
In stock

230 207

Infertility Anoestrus Silent heat Delayed ovulation In repeat breeding.
Non prescription.
One bolus for 21 days.
In stock



On backorder

395 356

· Natural detoxifier

· Keep renal system healthy

· Helps to protect from stress

In stock

160 144
  • Improves appetite and metabolism
  • Smoothens digestion
  • powerful liver tonic for pet animals
In stock

220 198

Helps to Increase Milk Production & Fat Percentage in Milk, Helps to Reduce Egg Shell Breakage in Poultry, Helps to prevent Leg Weakness, Helps in the overall growth.Chelated Aayu Cal  is a 100% natural 

In stock

5990 5391

Helps to Increase Milk Production & Fat Percentage in Milk, Helps to Reduce Egg Shell Breakage in Poultry, Helps to prevent Leg Weakness, Helps in the overall growth.Chelated Aayu Cal  is a 100% natural high absorption formula to keep bones strong and healthy

In stock

220 198

This herbal product is very effective for animal health. AAYUKOL also doesn't have any side effects on the animal.

In stock

160 144

Relief from all respiratory issues

  • Protects from fever and runny nose
  • Boosts immunity
In stock

1425 1283

This Ayurvedic liver care tonic helps to treat from various type of liver disorders disease like jaundice, infective hepatitis, anorexia and alcoholic liver disease.

In stock

1425 1283

Helps in liver regeneration in poultry,

Improves FCR & weight gain in poultry,

Improves Overall liver function,

protects the liver from the effect of toxin in poultry,

In stock

280 252

* Improves milk production, fat, and SNF

* Mineral Mixture supports overall growth of young calves

* Improves health of cows and buffaloes

* Enhances growth, improves immunity

In stock

950 855

 * Improves milk production, fat, and SNF

* Mineral Mixture supports overall growth of young calves

* Improves health of cows and buffaloes

* Enhances growth, improves immunity

In stock